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Exterior LED Lighting Design

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Exterior LED Lighting Design has revolutionized the way we light up the spaces around us, offering versatile, energy-efficient solutions that enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of outdoor areas. Whether you're looking to illuminate a cozy backyard, a bustling commercial property, or public spaces, LED lighting provides a multitude of design possibilities. Here's a comprehensive guide to creating a stunning and practical outdoor environments with LED lighting that we follow to provide our service to your business.

Planning Your LED Lighting Design


Objective Identification

Begin by defining the purpose of your lighting. Is it for security, aesthetic appeal, functionality, or a combination of these? Your objectives will guide the selection of fixtures, intensity, and color temperature.


Choosing the Right Fixtures

There's a wide range of LED fixtures suitable for outdoor use, including spot lights, floodlights, pathway lights, and decorative lamps. Each serves a different purpose, form illuminating walkways to accentuating architectural reatures.


Assessing the Space

Evaluate the outdoor area you're lighting. Consider factors like size, architectural features, landscape elements, and areas that require focused lighting for safety or highlighting.


Color Temperature and Brightness

LED lights come in various color temperatures, measured in Kelvins (K). Warmer lights (lower K) create a cozy atmosphere, while cooler lights (higher K) are ideal to task lighting. Brightness, measured in lumens, should be selected based on the area's size and the type of activities it hosts.

Design Considerations


Energy Efficiency

Opt for lights with high lumens per watt ratio to ensure energy efficiency.


Smart Controls

Consider integrating smart lighting solutions that allow for remote control, dimming, and scheduling, enhancing both convenience and security.



Choose fixtures rated for outdoor use, resistant to weather elements, and made of durable materials.


Safety and Compliance

Ensure that your lighting design complies with local regulations and standards, especially for public spaces.

Creative Lighting Ideas


Pathway Lighting

Use LED pathway lights to guide the way while adding a charming ambiance to walkways and garden paths.


Ambient Lighting

Create a welcoming atmosphere with overhead LED lights, string lights or wall-mounted fixtures.


Accent Lighting

Highlight architectural features, trees, or sculptures with spotlights or floodlights to add drama and interest.


Security Lighting

Incorporate motion-sensor LED floodlights to enhance security around perimeters and entry points.

Installation Tips


Professional Consultation

Use LED pathway lights to guide the way while adding a charming ambiance to walkways and garden paths.


Electrical Safety

Highlight architectural features, trees, or sculptures with spotlights or floodlights to add drama and interest,


Layered Lighting

Create a welcoming atmosphere with overhead LED lights, string lights or wall-mounted fixtures.

Exterior LED lighting design offers a sustainable, versatile, and beautiful way to light up outdoor spaces. By carefully planning and choosing the right fixtures, you can enhance safety, functionality, and aesthetics, creating inviting and well-lit environments that can be enjoyed after dark. Whether for a private backyard oasis or a bustling public square, LED Lighting is a smart choice for modern exterior lighting designs.

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Contact Details

16239 6 St SW

Calgary, AB

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